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APRIL 26, 2018 

Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Thursday, April 26, 2018   5:30 to 6:45 PM

Charlie Joseph Senior Citizen Center 
Thanks to our neighbor, James Eddy for the Zaxsby’s chicken!


  • Opening pray was given by Arik, Grandson of Cynthia.


  • We introduced ourselves and welcomed our special guests:
    Terri and Bella, counselors form the Panama Youth Services.


  • We reviewed and confirmed March meeting minutes. This included a report by Tom McLeod on how the fish fry went.


  • Our Park – Parks and Recreation Director Daryl Joseph is sent a list for us to vote on for improvements in the park, but did not include the cost, so we will be requesting the prices we need to help make decisions. We need everyone to help make a decision like this!!!      


  • Panama Youth Services – Terri and Bella, counselors from the Panama Youth Services. We were strongly encouraged to contact the office if ever we are concerned with any activity by their boys. We were also encouraged to call the police should we see anything illegal.  Terri gave us her email: In a previous meeting the Director (Mr. Green), encouraged the same thing, giving us the office number: (904) 527 – 3953   or in the evenings, the Boy’s Home: (904) 619-8927. But connecting with Terri (if possible) is the best bet.


  • Panama Park Come Together – our Third annual event will be May 12, 2018. Please sign up to help!  Needs: Check out the web site:

    • Trucks and muscles to move items from storage to park on May 12, 2:00 PM

    • 10 x 10 tents

    • Ice coolers and ice

    • Cokes n waters

    • And Volunteers in every area.


  • Meeting closed in prayer by Roxie McLeod


  • Announcements and Upcoming Events

    • 3rd Annual Panama Park Come Together!!!!!  May 12 - 5:00PM

    • Next Month’s PPNA Meeting May 24, same local, same time.
      We will vote on $ for our Park and Work details for the Come Together.

    • Sherriff’s Watch Meeting (Carolina Oaks 5175 North Main Street) May 17 (7:00 PM) 

    • We have a Website! – sign up for Come Together

    • Next Door - Get the app or sign up online at

    • Facebook Page - Panama Park Neighborhood @PanamaParkNeigh

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