September 27, 2018
18 neighbors gathered (two of whom actually see each other every day, but only now know each other’s names!) for food and association business.
The city’s “park designated money” can be used now or possibly doubled with some effort. After discussion, we agreed to delay voting on the use of these funds in order to investigate further the steps needed to meet LISC/NFL requirements.. Present at the meeting was Dr. Williams, our Councilman’s Assistant, who said she and Councilman Gaffney will be talking with the Park’s Department head, Daryl Joseph to make sure that these capitol funds will remain available to us (or can be added to).
We discussed the declining police presence in our neighborhood. Some agreed to attend together the “Sherriff’s Watch Meeting” (formerly SHADCO) on Oct. 18 at Carolina Oaks 7:00PM.
Still need volunteers to help with the Panama Park Come Together. (go to https://www.panamapark.net/volunteer-ppct or, contact Roxie McLeod (904) 515-7944)
Some Neighbors discussed the possibility of “Trunk or Treat” event in park parking lot for Halloween. (Contact Shavali Lansford (904) 609-8484)
Next Panama Park Neighborhood Association Meeting is October 25.